266 Marino Rd

266 Marino Rd

Bryan, Tx 77808

Hard to find industrial building close to Hwy 21. 7,500 SF Office/Warehouse Building. Newly Remodeled Office with 1,500SF Covered Wash Bay. 5,700SF Covered Storage and a half Acre Rocked/Fenced Yard. Has 5-22' x 14' Overhead doors with 20' Eave Height.

Property Summary

Zip: 77808State: Tx
Type: Industrial / Office / WarehousePrice: $6,500/MO
Status: LeasedTotal Sqft: 7,500 SF
MLS #: 22011164Lot Size: 46,609 SF
CADR #: 38700

Useful Documents

Property Location

Bryan, Tx 77808

Starting on Hwy 6 take 190/21 Madisonville/Caldwell exit head east on Hwy 21 towards Kurten for about 1.5 miles then turn right onto Marino Rd. Drive for about .1 mile and your destination will be on the left.


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